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Thanks so much for these articles. I've been trying to get this information out - and more regarding pesticides and industrial chemicals - since the 90's, but people really do not want to know about this because it would man they'd have to change something in their lives - - like using pesticides on their crops and gardens.

Please keep up the good work.

Also, and no one wants to say this either, the huge number of males identifying at least in part as female is, to my mind, because of these estrogen-imitating chemicals many of which have been in their mothers' bodies for decades now. Very sad and this will clearly not end well.

Also females with endometriosis - now up to 1 in 10 (likely an undercount), which is an awfully painful disease which often makes the women sterile can be, I believe, attributed to these chemicals and many others in use in everyone's lives. Slow-moving catastrophes for not only humans, but all other creatures, as well.

This has been going on for decades - frogs, fish, alligators, and so many more, but the powerful monied interests will not allow this information to reach the general public, and too many scientists are afraid for their jobs to speak the truth.

So, thanks again. Much appreciated.

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